CMS Approves Revised Home Health Change of Care Notice

Alliance Daily

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the Home Health Change of Care Notice (HHCCN) for 3 years. There were no substantive changes made to the HHCCN form or the form instructions. CMS did make plain language and information design changes to the form and form instructions according to our Office of Communications (OC) recommendations. OC’s recommendations in plain language and information design are research-based best practices. The OC worked to apply the same research-based standards across all products and channels to make sure our language, messaging and branding are consistent.

CMS has also provided the HHCCN in 3 additional languages with this package approval.  Those languages, along with English and Spanish, include Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean.  

Since the current HHCCN does not expire until 12/31/2024, you may continue to use the HHCCN (OMB expiration date of 12/31/2024) until 1/31/2025 however, you will be required to use the newly approved HHCCN (OMB expiration date of 11/30/2027) on 2/1/2025.  The newly OMB approved HHCCN form (expiration date of 11/30/2027) may be found in the downloads section.  FFS HHCCN | CMS