President's Message

Posted: May 2, 2022

For the first time in a while, I found myself traveling just to visit an old friend this past weekend. He has been going through some medical challenges lately, and we haven’t seen each other since sometime in 2019. We think. Maybe longer. We both have jobs and families, and all of the trappings that come along with those. But we agreed to find a weekend, clear the calendar, and just catch up.

The point is, whatever is going on in the world, we have to continue to do the things and see the people that are important to us. We have (mostly) made it through the pandemic, and we need to figure out what life after that looks like—for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our profession.

How will telehealth and digital health impact us? What will the 2023 Final Rule look like? What about OASIS-E? These are some of the important questions that we are looking at. While these are important to our profession and to APTA Home Health, we want you, our members, to ask yourself your own important questions, whatever they may be. And sometimes, you realize the answer is to just do that thing, whatever it is.



 Phil Goldsmith
 APTA Home Health